Bury me now Love
Perhaps it's my end-of-year syndrome getting to me. Or maybe I'm just jaded. Shut up.
So here are two brilliant indie teen movies that I saw within the last month. You should check them out:
Teenage Dirtbag (2009)

I know the title sucks and you've already got that awful Wheatus song in your head. But this movie is the most low budget, messed up, and moving movie I've seen in a long time. About a creepy, vile (but always somehow well-versed and intriguing) guy who bonds with a popular girl through creative writing class, although they never really get together. The dialogue is awkward and pretty great (there's hardly any)...plus it's full of good depressing indie music. Nice.
Mad. Mad thoughts.
Crazy, twisted, sinewy
Mad obsession.
You sicken me.
You’re so beautiful, love.
I grind you into a fine, soft
Powder and inhale you...
Lick you off of my fingers.
You love, answer me.
Your face brings me death every day...
And every day I can’t wait to die.
Bury me now, love.
Bury me now.
The Go-Getter (2008)

Shy teen's mother dies so he steals a car and goes on a road trip looking for his half-brother. The whole time he chats with the owner of the car...and then they meet. It kind of reminds me of Michel Gondry movies, but slower. Oh and I like Zooey. Can someone take me on a road trip please?
Right now you're thinking... who is this girl, and what's wrong with her? She must be crazy. No, sad... sad in a chair with... cats. Cats? No, a cross word puzzle. A puzzle and tea. No, beer. Beer, she's tough? Thinks she's tough, but not like that. Picture her... younger. No, older. Picture someone with fake teeth. You never really know.
Ah it's only the start of December but I feel it's already disappearing.
So here are two brilliant indie teen movies that I saw within the last month. You should check them out:
Teenage Dirtbag (2009)

I know the title sucks and you've already got that awful Wheatus song in your head. But this movie is the most low budget, messed up, and moving movie I've seen in a long time. About a creepy, vile (but always somehow well-versed and intriguing) guy who bonds with a popular girl through creative writing class, although they never really get together. The dialogue is awkward and pretty great (there's hardly any)...plus it's full of good depressing indie music. Nice.
Mad. Mad thoughts.
Crazy, twisted, sinewy
Mad obsession.
You sicken me.
You’re so beautiful, love.
I grind you into a fine, soft
Powder and inhale you...
Lick you off of my fingers.
You love, answer me.
Your face brings me death every day...
And every day I can’t wait to die.
Bury me now, love.
Bury me now.
The Go-Getter (2008)

Shy teen's mother dies so he steals a car and goes on a road trip looking for his half-brother. The whole time he chats with the owner of the car...and then they meet. It kind of reminds me of Michel Gondry movies, but slower. Oh and I like Zooey. Can someone take me on a road trip please?
Right now you're thinking... who is this girl, and what's wrong with her? She must be crazy. No, sad... sad in a chair with... cats. Cats? No, a cross word puzzle. A puzzle and tea. No, beer. Beer, she's tough? Thinks she's tough, but not like that. Picture her... younger. No, older. Picture someone with fake teeth. You never really know.
Ah it's only the start of December but I feel it's already disappearing.
Labels: movies